Saturday, February 25, 2006


A Dream Defferred, by Langston Hughes

What Happens to a Dream Deffered?
Does it Shrivel Up like a Raisin in the Sun?
Or Fester like a Sore and then Run?
Does it Stink like Rotten Meat?
Or Crust and Sugar Over like a Syrupy Sweet?
Maybe It Just Sags like a Heavy Load.

--Or Does it Explode?

All of us have dreams from time to time, and most all of us live some of those dreams, but what happens to those dreams we've had and never done anything about? When we speak of dreams, we do not merely refer to the whims we have from day to day, but those longings and desires that are aroused in childhood, and persist through life.

All dreams are great and most require hard work and discipline to see them come to fruition, but the work is worth seeing the dream fulfilled. Don't let your dreams slip away without making the effort to live those dreams. Too often we say to ourselves, "Oh, I can do that tomorrow," or,"I'm just too busy," but tomorrow may never come or tomorrow could turn into forever and our dreams are left undone, and life may never be less busy than it is right now. Our only option then if we want to live our dreams is to make the most of the time we have. In the words of Red from the Shawshank Redemption, "It's time to get busy livin' or get busy dyin'."

Have Hope. Live your dreams.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Automobile Security Feature

They may take a while to load, but these promotional videos for the Trunk Monkey automobile security feature are quite fun.

Trunk Monkey 1
Trunk Monkey 2
Trunk Monkey 3
Trunk Monkey 4
Trunk Monkey 5

Have a nice day.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

March on Soldier.

"It ain't the guns nor the armament,
Nor the funds that we can pay,
But the close cooperation,
That makes us win the day.
It ain't the individual,
Nor the army as a whole,
But the everlasting team work
Of every bloomin' soul."


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Super Disappointment

This past weekend, I watched the Superbowl with some friends, this is a picture from that night when the Seahawks scored their first and only touchdown and made it 14-10. It didn't turn out so well for us Seahawk fans, and the zebras didn't exactly help our cause, but maybe next year the hawks will make it back, and win regardless of the refs. But there are bigger and more important things than football, like my wedding which is only 38 days away now