Lisa and I live in an apartment complex with about 40 units.
At our apartmets there is a huge dumpster where everyone disposes of their household garbage. About a week ago it was moved from one side of the complex to the other, making it a tad less convenient to throw stuff away. This wasn't too big a deal until we noticed that a structure was being erected where the dumpster used to sit. This piqued our curiousity and upon further investigation we learned that the structure is in fact a cell phone tower.
How is it that a cell phone tower can be erected in a residential neighborhood without the consent of the people living there? Supposedly we were warned and had a chance to voice our concerns, but the landlord made very little effort to make sure his tennants knew. When I investigated the matter a little more I found that at one corner of the complex a poster had been posted, but I don't ever remember seeing it. There was also an article in the local newspaper, maybe just an editorial, whatever the case I never saw that either. This all sounds to me like a backhanded way of meeting certain guidelines and regulations without actually fulfilling them.
I would have appreciated a note on the door of my apartment, or a letter to my mailbox, but clearly my voice was not wanted.
I guess the kicker is that now the cell phone tower is there and we feel pretty much helpless to do anything about it. The landlord benefits from $10,000.00 a month and free cellphones and service for life for him, his family, and employees. While everyone in the vicinity is exposed to harmful electromagnetic radiation, without any of the benefits of free cellphone service, or reduced rent, in fact he raised rent.
Am I frustrated, yeah a little.
Man! That is stupid-retarded. I hate stuff like that... injustice. Basically they're paying off the landlord to erect this big ugly radiation-emitting thing that nobody who actually lives there would ever want.
Tell the landlord to split the money 40-ways. And if he doesn't capitulate, threaten some of his pets.
yeah, there's an idea Tim, I'll take Rover to the top of the cell tower and throw him off if the landlord doesn't capitulate. We'll see how he likes that.
darn tootin
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