Friday, June 02, 2006

Saints and Soldiers

These days it is so hard to find a movie that actually means something substantial. I found this movie while looking for the original X-Men, which is a very action packed movie, a classic good vs. evil, and while it is entertaining, there isn't much actual substance. There are some movies that hit that spot in our hearts and itellect that move us if only for an instant. So often we become so immersed in ourselves, our needs, and our selfish ambition, that we fail to reach out to others long enough to stop and notice the similarities rather than the differences in our lives.
This film hits that spot.

Saints and Soldiers


la dahlia said...

looks really interesting. are you planning on buying it?

Mr. Mando said...

maybe Dahlia, has any body seen this yet?

Timothy said...

I have yet to see it. Vince McAninch sent an email out awhile ago, urging people to see it also.