The house comes complete with a garage, automatic sprinklers, a fireplace, and a basement, but no linen closets...none. It will be my husbandly duty to rectify this situation as soon as I can....
....There is something about living in an actual house that is freeing, yet binding all at once. When I lived in an apartment I was confined to a small space, but now in a house I have my own yard(to mow), and various little odd jobs to do. It makes me feel so manly to be able to work on and around the house, even if it does belong to my dad.
The front of the house.The yard could use some weeding, but it has plenty of potential.
The livingroom, it is quite large.(and beautiful with my wife standing there)
The kitchen, being used to make a goodbye meal for my brother right before he left for school.
The other half of the living room..
The dining room is quite large, we will figure out what to do with all the space I'm sure.