Saturday, June 02, 2007


School's out, I'm employed, student teaching is done, and I am one happy camper! Next weekend is graduation and I am graduating. I'm not going to drive to Ellensburg to be a part of all the hubbub though. I am just going to stay home and have a BBQ with some friends and family. Most of whom don't even know about this yet. I've got a feeling it might end up being a small barbeque. Unless my wife has told people but hasn't told me. Whatever the case I am done, I have a job, and I am so ready. I will receive my diploma shortly, as well as my temporary teaching certificate. Good-bye Central Washington University, you've sucked enough money out of me! Just an update for anyone who might still check my blog.


la dahlia said...


Anonymous said...

Finally! Some news! I have waited soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Long! Lynn

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Armando!!! Maybe I'll see you guys this weekend. I'll be home...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the barbecue went pretty well...a couple of people talked to me about it...Erin, Daniel, James...

Anna said...

hurray for the blog update!!!! and congrats too!!!!!