I know I have been horrendous about blogging. I have been busier than I ever anticipated so that's got something to do with it but I am surviving. I'm having fun too. My roof made it through the winter without leaking so I am excited about that, and I am a proud new mac user. Here's a sample of what I learned that I can do with a mac.
Just for good measure since most of you haven't seen me for a while here's a recent picture of me.
Hi, I checked your blog. :)
Woo hoo, 1 person checks my blog!!
I check your blog honey :)
Now I Checked it!
Hello Armondo:
This is Vicki Bartels Josephs Mom. I just wanted to thank you for your time and energy that you invested in Joseph this week. We haven't got the whole story yet but we will continue the unraveling of a life changing week for him. Being at Rock Solid pushed Joseph's box in a way it has never been pushed before. The part that you played in his life change would be imposible to put into words. Thank you, thank you thank you.!!!! My prayer is that he could continue to be in contact with you for accountability and encouragement. I understand if you don't have the time. If you want to set up something with Joseph that would be great. Also what could I do to help Joseph to process this week and help him to continue to grow.
Thanks Again,
Vicki Bartels
Hey Armando this is Cole-
Hey, how have you been? Is all that you learned at Rock Solid sticking with you? It is with me, well I'm having a harder time getting my quiet time done but I'm doing it so its all good. Thank you so much for being my camp counselor at RS. It was an amazing experience for me as I hope it was for you, it being your first time as a counselor and all. Hey, I checked the Chuck Norris and Mike Huckabee video out, it was hilarious. Hey are you going to reuinion?
Talk to ya later
Mando, I didn't know that you did rock solid! Was Marika there? And, hey - props to you for the mac.
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