Monday, July 28, 2008

Monument to Communism

The following pictures are from a park in Rivne that was used by the Soviets to parade their military strength, communist ideals, and otherwise bolster the public's view of the government. Back in the day it was kept up quite nicely, but since the fall of communism it has fallen into disrepair and neglect. Now it is a place for people to vent their revenge on a system that once oppressed them so harshly. 
Statue of communist soldiers defending the weak. (Rivne in the background, I believe that is the "New York" area, where 60-70% of the city's 300,000 residents live. The apartments, most made during the Soviet days, are brick with no steel reinforcement.)

Looted Soviet Tank, now serves as a garbage receptacle.

The tower, Vanchic, and Greg.

Soviet artillery.

More Soviet artillery.

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